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Genuine Student Assessment Form

Genuine Student Assessment Form (GTE)

The purpose of this form is to enable GBC to make an assessment of the genuineness of an applicant’s intention to complete their studies at Gateway Business College.

Applicant Details

Which course are you intending to study at Gateway Business College?
It is in your best interest to choose a course that is relevant to your career and future plans.
Once you offered and enrolled into a course switching/changing your course or the provider may not be possible.
Did you ever apply or been enrolled at any other education provider in Australia? If yes provided details:
If you have any gaps of more than 6 months in your studies and/or jobs, please provide details.
Detail your estimated total expenses for the duration of your stay in Australia?
Please include the cost for family members/dependents (if applicable)
Living costs are amounts stipulated by DHA and is required for visa purposes. Living costs vary depending on your living status (single or family) and studying (Tuition and Non-Tuition Fees). It is your responsibility to manage your costs whilst living and studying in Australia. It is a requisite that you must not rely on job to support you and your family in Australiaas a student.

Gateway College Adelaide - we've got it all

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Department Contact Info

College Address

Sydney: Level 2, Suite 4B, 5A, 5B & 6A, 1-17 Elsie Street Burwood, NSW 2134

Sydney: (02) 9715 3048

Adelaide: Level 3, 27-29 Currie Street Adelaide, South Australia 5000

Adelaide: (08) 8166 1135

Open Hours

Mon – Fri 9:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.

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Next Intake
July 2024